We have collaborated with BC Black History Awareness Society on many initiatives, including Colourful Business and the Digital Museums of Canada project: British Columbia’s Black Pioneers influenced the Vision of Canada.
University of Victoria (UVic)
Along with ongoing participation in UVic’s community-engaged learning (CEL) programs with various departments, we work closely with the International, Indigenous and Strategic Initiatives, Co-op and Career Services to deliver Cultural Intelligence (CQ) training and education in our REP Incubator, and practicum and internship programs.
City of Victoria
We sit on the City of Victoria’s Welcoming Cities Advisory Council and have acted as the documentation team for the Victoria Reconciliation Dialogues since 2019. The City of Victoria is also a member of World Refugee Day Committee Victoria.
District of Saanich
Recently engaged with Saanich’s newly-launched Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Focus Group, we have also participated with Saanich in the Local Immigration Partnership Advisory Council and the Community Partnership Network. Saanich is a key partner in World Refugee Day Committee events.
Le Relais
We have co-hosted the Welcome Day Celebration for Newcomers with Le Relais since 2018. Le Relais is a key link and support for French-speaking newcomers and supports our programs through bilingual outreach and translation.
Royal Roads University (RRU)
Since 2018, we have provided multiple project, practicum, and internship opportunities for students in RRU’s BA in Professional Communication and MA in Intercultural and International Communication degree programs.
Decoda Literacy
We have delivered Decoda’s Immigrant Parents as Literacy Supporters (IPALS) program to newcomer and refugee families since 2017, a first-ever family literacy program for immigrants in the Capital Regional District.
Vancouver Island Counselling Centre for Immigrants and Refugees (VICCIR)
As a member of World Refugee Day Committee Victoria, we partner with VICCIR in planning and delivering community events and activities during the 3rd week of June every year to recognize World Refugee Day. In addition, VICCIR counsellors provide mental health supports in our REP Here Sessions, community dialogues in which safe and supported spaces are critical.
Greater Victoria Public Library (GVPL)
GVPL is a member of World Refugee Day Committee Victoria and a long-standing partner in our storytelling programs under REP Here Lab and community dialogues under REP Here Sessions. GVPL also acts as a distribution partner for print editions of Here Magazine.
Belfry Theatre
The Belfry co-hosts our annual Better Together Gala and supports our storytelling programs under REP Here Lab with in-kind space and staff support.
Construction Foundation of BC (CFBC)
CFBC supports our annual REP Here Works event, connecting newcomers and underrepresented job seekers with local employers.
Kulea Culture Society
Working closely with Kulea Culture for many years, we also support their Kitchen and Culture series and Colourful Business initiative.