Ask a newcomer to Canada about their journey here, or about their lives back in their countries of origin. They will almost always use the phrase “here in Canada” when they share their story, and often more than once! In those first few years of settling in Canada, these conversations are commonly a comparison of their lives “back home” and their new experiences and realities here in Canada. This is why this phrase is part of our name—it feels like it belongs to newcomers. REP is an acronym that stands for:

Welcome to
REP Here In Canada
Our organization aims to ensure that newcomers are equally represented, enjoy two-way engagement, and fully participate in all aspects of Canadian life.
Specifically, REP Here In Canada works in a “beyond settlement” space to enable newcomers and those with historical and/or current barriers to equity to access opportunities for full and meaningful social, civic, and economic participation.
We develop and deliver community-based programming and events that foster relationships, develop skills, provide work experience, and create accessible, safe, and supported spaces for newcomers to connect with employers, mentors, community leaders, and the wider community.
Our multimedia platforms amplify the stories, experiences, and assets of newcomers, immigrants, and members of underrepresented communities while growing cultural awareness and countering bias and misinformation.

We are by and for the communities we serve.

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The REP Here in Canada team respectfully acknowledges that our work takes place on the unceded traditional lands of the Lekwungen-speaking peoples of the Songhees, Esquimalt, and W̱SÁNEĆ Nations. We express gratitude for their ongoing stewardship of these lands, air, and waterways and hold deep respect for the language, traditions, and cultural practices of all Indigenous peoples across Turtle Island.
In our continued effort to Indigenize our work and to meaningfully contribute to decolonization, we are committed to helping amplify Indigenous experiences and stories as we continue our own journey of learning and unlearning.